Jazz Monthly Premium Package
30 Days
Rs. 1,390
Now, you can sign up for the Jazz Monthly Premium Package for Rs 1390 and get 25GB of data and 3000 minutes that can be used on any network. Full information is given below.
Jazz Monthly Premium Package Description
Enjoy this Jazz Monthly Premium Package for 30 days, with 15GB of regular data and 10GB of YouTube data, 3000 jazz minutes, 500 off-net minutes and 3000 SMS. So, for just Rs. 1390, you can stay up-to-date for 30 days. This package also comes with a certain number of call minutes. Subscribers will get 300 minutes of talk time on all Pakistani phone networks. This package deal is popular right now. Now it’s easy to get 4G internet because users can enjoy 3G and 4G internet for a set price for 30 days. Yes, you can now use the Internet whenever you want. A big plus of this package is that users will get 15GB of plain space and 10GB for YouTube.
If you want 25 GB (15 GB of regular data and 10 GB of YouTube data) and 3000 on-net minutes or 500 minutes and 3000 SMS that can be used on any network for one month, activate the monthly premium bundle. This package is available for rupees 695 for 30 days of non-stop service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The code for adding a package is *2000#, and the code for its status is *2000*2#. For more information, look at the table with full package information: This Jazz Monthly Premium Package is only good for 30 days. So, you can relax for a month for rupees 695. It’s a blessing to be able to get a long-term call and data bundle at such a low price.
In Pakistan, there is no other all-in-one package that is as nice as this one. It comes with a lot of bonuses, but the price stays the same, even in the year 2023. Users who pay a Jazz Monthly Premium Package will be able to call on all networks after they sign up (Zong, Ufone, Telenor & Djuice). So, keep in touch with your friends, family, and business clients, no matter what network they use. Have you seen too much Jazz TV? If Yes! Then click here for free information on how to stop getting Jazz TV.
- Sign up: *2000#
- Code Status: *2000*2#
- Info Code: *2000*3#
- Validity 30 days
Terms & Conditions
- Only for a limited time
- Offer could change at any time
- There are rules and restrictions.
- Only for a limited time. The company On all Jazz calls, a call setup fee of 15 paisa (including tax) is charged.
- 12.5% of the recharge or bill is taken out as tax.
- When you recharge, you have to pay 5% in service charges and 5% in operational fees, and when you use it in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, and KPK, you have to pay 19.5% FED.
- When you recharge, you have to pay a service fee of 5.11% and an operational fee of 5.11%. If you use your phone in the Federal Territory, FATA, AJK, or Gilgit Baltistan, you have to pay 17% FED.
- Prices will go up by 2.14 percent in the Federal Territory, FATA, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan.